The weekly Roundup: posts You might have missed

good mornin’, glory. hope you got a good night’s sleep. Mine wasn’t bad, even though I stayed up way past my bed time reading Gunn’s golden Rules.

I love that man… He seems like such a genuinely good, kind person. I think I’m gonna send him a fan letter.


Very few signs received so far for The 2011 breast cancer awareness Month sign Project. I know you’re busy, but it only takes a minute if you have a camera phone (I’m just sayin’).

And yes, I do fully intend to keep prodding you (politely at first) about this over the next 29 days because I think it’s worth it. My mother-in-law is a breast cancer survivor (going on three years now), and I know how much seeing last year’s support signs meant to her and to the many women I’ve heard from about them. Plus, on top of your good deed, you’d be entered for a chance to win more than $1,100 in free makeup. You could even donate some of it if you won (again, I’m just sayin’).

In other news, MoneyBall! Or, as Tabs puts it, kitty balls! I watched it last night with El Hub, who isn’t a baseball fan, a fact he had to repeatedly remind me of before, during and after the movie. He liked it though. We both did. I grew up just a few miles away from Oakland Coliseum in the east Bay.


Katter og sminke -sweatshirt ??

42 dollar

Handle nå

It was weird seeing Brad Pitt driving along the same freeways I use to check out my parents’ house… Dang, the life of an actor, right? One minute they’re in Oakland, California. next minute they’re filming a zombie movie in Scotland. Skummelt.

The weekly Roundup: posts You might have Missed


Here in Marin county — how should I put this? — tie-die is the new black. I joke, but this area is a mecca for different ways of thinking, and while my younger self probably would have giggled at some of the self-improvement techniques I’ve been trying lately, my older self has more of an open mind.

One of my new favorite things is to sit on my deck at sunset and mentally list all of the good things that happened that day. Some days the list is shorter than others, but I can usually come up with at least one or two things.

Plus, there’s a terrific side effect of catching a good sunset: makeup inspiration. Les mer…

PROVE THAT makeup IS the best MEDICINE

Imagine, if you will, that it’s Friday night, 7:57 p.m., in a sleepy little town called Novato.

The sun has set, and I have the cover of darkness now. I’m almost positive I’m going to get away with it. I slowly withdraw the keys to the automobile from a bowl sitting on a table by the hall. They barely make a sound. just a quiet jingling, barely audible, and I think I’m safe.

I start toward the door, my eyes checking the corners for signs of movement. The coast is clear. I walk faster now, my sneakers all but silent on the tiled hallway floor.

Nesten der. I reach the door and take the knob in my hand, turning slowly. I have one foot out the door when…

“Where ya headed?” Les mer…


If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live with a creature so beautiful, so genetically blessed, that the mere sight of his silky fur fills supermodels with envy and makes stylists question their careers, let me tell ya, it ain’t easy.

Don’t get me wrong — I love Tabs’ shiny coat. It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with him. even though he’d been living on the streets when we met, he had fur like a feline Adonis. Les mer…


A few weeks ago I walked into an air-conditioned Williams-Sonoma store that had Christmas decorations up and a fancy holiday window display (complete with garland-covered pine tree flocked with fake snow).

In early September.

I’m just sayin’.

Funny thing is, when it comes to fashion and makeup, I actually like super early seasonal releases; they appeal to my inner princess — you know, the one who makes grabby hands at pretty products and says, “Gimme, gimme, gimme!” with big anime eyes. Les mer…

3 lessons LEARNED
FROM getting BANGS

I’ve had other brushes with bangs, like the time my mom cut my hair into a lopsided Dorothy Hamill bowl cut, or the gravity defying ‘do I wore for a time in my hair bear teenage years (that thing ensnared more insects than a Venus Flytrap!), but none of them prepared me for the full-on blunt-cut bangs I embraced a few months ago.

And that’s because they weren’t just bangs. Dude. They were BANGS! — all caps, bold, with an exclamation mark.

I’ve liked having them these past months, but I gotta say — I wish I’d given more thought to what I was getting into before I took the plunge, because these real deal bangs have been a commitment. Les mer…


Kjære dagbok,

Dagens liste? sminke jeg hadde på meg hvis jeg var en vampyr.

Men ikke bare noen vampyr. Ikke en av de goody-to-shoes cullens. Jeg ville være mer som Pam fra True Blood, og jeg hadde på meg mørk leppestift, skinntette jumpsuits og skinn. Jeg ville henge med på alle de kuleste underjordiske vampyrteknoklubber også, for som du vet må vampyrer techno.

Ja, jeg har sett Blade en for mange ganger …

Moody Dark Burgundy Dolce & Gabbana Passion Duo Gloss Fusion Lipstick in Intense ($ 34) ville gå helt opp på toppen av listen min. En av 20 glans/leppestifthybrider i den nylig lanserte Gloss Fusion Lipstick -linjen, det er perfekt pris for nattens skapninger! Les mer…

Med $ 22 JK Jemma Kidd Smoke It Up I-Kit
Du kan ulme for mindre

Hver av de fem pulver øyenskygger i de nye $ 22 JK Jemma Kidd Smoke It Up I-Kit er så enkle å blande at de kunne vært laget av KitchenAid! â € ”og med masse pigment ser de ut og utfører akkurat som Jemmas fab høstskygger i full størrelse (som vanligvis løper $ 16 per stykk).

Resultatet er en økonomisk palett som kan produsere noen av de raskeste, enkleste røykfylte øynene jeg har sett i høst. Med mindre skygger, kan du blande ut kantene og legge mørkere nyanser (meg) for alltid, men med i-Kit kan jeg slå ut et røykfylt utseende på mindre enn 10 minutter. Les mer…

Mac Unsung Heroes
Mocha Blush

I stedet for å gjøre en av de millionene av tingene jeg burde ha gjort i morges, som å barbere tærne (hårene dukker opp over natten!), Finn ut hva jeg skal gjøre med resten av livet, eller hjelpe til med hans aromaterapi (av Gni kattemynte blader på kinnene, som han elsker), jeg stilte opp alle de mørke Mac -lippiene jeg planlegger å ha i oktober.

Selvfølgelig var noen av merkets old-school baddies der, som russisk rød, Dubonnet og Paramount, og det var noen få nyere farger fra Styledriven og Chic Paradise.


Jeg skilte rør etter finish (tvangstanker mye?) Da en idé slo meg som en skikkelig krukke med fluidline som flyr gjennom luften. Les mer…

Din vennlige skjønnhetsavhengig, rusavhengig,


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